Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns, please call us on 01481 238565 between 09.00 and 16.30. For general enquiries, you can also email

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday — 08.30 to 17.30
Closed at weekends and on bank holidays


Telephone 01481 238565
General queries*
Finance queries†

* If your query is medical in nature, please include your date of birth or address and patient number so we can identify you in our records.
† Please include your invoice number on any finance queries.

How to find us

We operate from two buildings Alexandra House and Mill House, which are at this address:

The Medical Specialist Group LLP
PO Box 113, Alexandra House,
Les Frieteaux, St Martin's,

We also run clinics at the Princess Elizabeth Hospital. Your appointment letter will advise you which location to attend for your consultation.

Parking & buses

There is a free carpark for patients next to Alexandra House, with designated disabled parking spaces close to this building and to Mill House. The Number 71 bus from St Peter Port stops on Ruette Bray, within 150m of the MSG.