Dr Frampton, who joined the MSG in 2022, was born in New Zealand and went to medical school at the University of Otago. She moved to the UK in 2001 to gain some overseas experience and instead of going home completed her specialist registrar training in training in anaesthesia in Oxford. During anaesthesia training she did a clinical fellowship in pain medicine at St Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, Canada.
Her interest in pain medicine dates back to her time working as a senior house officer in haematology and oncology at Wellington Hospital in New Zealand when she was involved in managing patients with acute and chronic cancer pain.
She became a fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists in 2005 and was appointed as consultant in anaesthesia and pain medicine at the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in 2009.
From 2016 onwards, Dr Frampton specialised in pain medicine and was the joint clinical lead for the hospital’s pain service. A highlight during that time was securing a second clinical psychologist which meant that as a team they could deliver combined consultant and clinical psychology clinics.
Dr Frampton’s post at the MSG is a job share with her husband, consultant anaesthetist Dr Nick Crabtree.
The most fulfilling aspects of my role are helping people feel comfortable before and after their operation and helping people to understand, accept and manage chronic pain.
Outside work she enjoys kayaking and walking her dog by the sea, spending time with her family, and gardening and decorating.